
This discussion technique gives students the opportunity to respond to questions in written form before engaging in meaningful conversation with other students. Asking students to write and discuss ideas with a partner before sharing with the larger group builds confidence, encourages greater participation, and results in more thoughtful discussions.


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Think-Pair-Share Elementary

Think-Pair-Share Elementary - Google DocFor a more structured approach to Think-Pair-Share, use a direction sheet like this one in Grades 2-5. Grade 1 teachers can have students write ideas in their content area notebooks to share and compare. PK-K teachers can have students draw their ideas.

Think-Pair-Share Secondary

Think-Pair-Share Secondary - Google DocThis type of direction sheet can build accountability for Think-Pair-Share and gives the teacher a written check for understanding.

Think-Pair-Share Spanish

Think-Pair-Share Spanish - Google Doc

Teachers Shown

Karina Ferreira
High School French teacher.
Del Valle ISD, Texas
Jennifer Ross
3rd grade Bilingual teacher.
Austin ISD, Texas