Stop and Jot

This processing activity gives students the opportunity to respond to questions in writing.  Asking students to think and write about what they are learning promotes retention and comprehension.  These quick checks for understanding help students make sense of what they are learning before moving on in the lesson.


Download Templates

Stop and Jot Elementary

Stop and Jot Elementary - Google DocFor elementary, this template should only be used in Intermediate Grades 3-5.

Stop and Jot Secondary

Stop and Jot Secondary - Google DocFor examples of Stop and Jot prompts, use a template like this to help students organize their thoughts and retain new information.  Fill in the blanks in the template to fit the topic of study. Pick one or two prompts to use at a critical point in the lesson, or show the template and ask students to write the prompts in their notes, or pass out the template as a handout.

Stop and Jot Spanish

Stop and Jot Spanish - Google Doc

Teachers Shown

Leticia Garza
7th and 8th grade Math teacher.
Austin ISD, Texas
Jeremy Raymond-Watson
Middle School Special Education teacher.
Austin ISD, Texas