How to Use
1. Split the Class
Decide which half of the students will form the inside circle and which half will form the outside circle.
2. Question
Put a question or statement on the board. Give students at least ten seconds to think of an answer on their own.
3. Share
Ask students in the inside circle to share their response with the classmate facing them in the outside circle. When they have done this, ask them to say "pass,” at which point their partners in the outside circle will share their responses.
4. Rotate
On your signal, have the outside circle move one step to the left or right and discuss the same question with the new partner. Option: post a new question or give the new partners a different discussion point.
When to Use
Use Inside/Outside Circle at any point in the lesson to structure meaningful conversation:
Before introducing new material to begin a discussion or highlight key issues in the presentation to come
During a lesson to process important concepts before applying them in group or independent work
After a reading to discuss key concepts
Before an assessment to review information
As a way to practice solving problems with assistance from a partner
Desk Circle
Instead of having the students form circles, have partners move desks to face one another and form a long row. When it is time to change partners, students stand up and move one desk to their left or right. Students at the end of the row move to the desk they were facing.
Secret Inside/Outside Circle
Students in one of the circles can be given information that students in the other circle are supposed to find out through questioning techniques.
Circumlocution Circle
To learn new vocabulary, students are given a word that they have to describe to their circle partners. Using the descriptions, the partner must guess the word that is being described.
Timed Circles
To add interest and variety, vary the amount of time with each partner. For example, students may spend one minute with Partner 1, 3 minutes with Partner 2 and 2 minutes with Partner 3
Conga Line
Conga Line is very similar to Desk Circle exceept that instead of sitting in desks facing each other in two rows, students are standing in two rows. When it is time to change partners students in each line dance left or right and students at the end of the row dance to the opposite end of their row.
Inside Outside Topics/ Getting to Know You
Students are assigned a particular topic to share about rather than being asked to respond to a question. For example, "describe how your family celebrates ____ holiday".
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