How to Use
1. Explain
Partner A explains to his or her partner a problem, process, concept, etc. assigned by the teacher.
2. Write
Partner B writes down his or her partner’s explanation.
3. Check
Partner A checks Partner B’s writing for accuracy, making sure Partner B has captured his or her explanation correctly and that they both agree on the response.
4. Repeat
Students reverse roles with another problem, process, concept, etc. so that Partner B has the opportunity to explain verbally. Partner A records the explanation and Partner B checks for accuracy.
When to Use
Use Back and Forth when students are working in pairs:
After introducing a new topic
After teaching a classroom procedure
In review for an upcoming assessment
As a formative assessment
Before beginning a new assignment to assess for prior knowledge
After introducing new vocabulary
Trio Back and Forth
Students can work in groups of three so that one student explains the concept, the second student writes, and the third student checks the explanation.
PreK-K Back and Forth
PK-K students could complete this activity orally, using repetition of their partner’s response, and then discuss any incorrect parts of the explanation. As an option, the teacher could scribe the conversation.
Concept Analysis
Ask students to analyze or argue about a concept with evidence to back up their view. For instance, students may be asked to argue the value of driving a car versus the effect of air pollution caused by cars on the community.
Ask students to retell a story in their own words of from a different perspective. For instance, the students may tell the story of The Three Little Pigs from the Wolf's perspective.
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